Wellington Primary School

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Contact Us

If you require any further information about our school you can contact a member of our highly skilled school office team, who will be pleased assist you.  If for any reason the office team are unable to answer your query, they will direct you to the most relevant member of school staff.

Office Team

Mrs McMahon – School Business & Operations Manager
Mrs Ullah – Office Manager
Mrs Davies – Finance Assistant
Miss Khalifa – Administrative Assistant

Wellington Primary School,
Dudley Hill Road,

Telephone: 01274 774446
Fax: 01274 774447
Email: office@wellington.bradford.sch.uk

Headteacher / Safeguarding

Mrs Wood (Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Sidebottom (Deputy Headteacher / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs Berry (Assistant Headteacher / Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mr Dolby (Name Governor for Safeguarding)


If parents wish to discuss their child’s special educational need / disability then please contact Mrs Cowan, the school SENDCo via the school office on 01274 774446 or email sendco@wellington.bradford.sch.uk

You may request paper copies of any of the information on our school website, free of charge, from the main office.