Wellington Primary School

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The Wellington Curriculum


Wellington Primary School is committed to enabling its pupils to fulfil their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. The school is committed to providing an education, which combines intrinsically enjoyable experiences with preparation for the challenges of secondary school and the adult world, so pupils will become positive member of the school community and other communities to which they belong.

As a school we embrace the notion of enhancing pupils’ cultural capital alongside “traditional academic attainment and progress” so that Wellington pupils are enabled to acquire the essential knowledge, understanding and skills required to be educated citizens.

The school wishes to prepare its pupils for their future success in the next stages of their education and working lives:-

  • a) within their primary schools from EYFS to Key Stage 1 and from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2;
  • b) as they move to their secondary schools;
  • c) in their adult lives whether they pursue higher or further education or move directly into the world of work.

The school’s key principles are founded on the notion of mutual respect, where all are valued and differences are celebrated. The school is committed to enabling pupils to become independent learners, who take responsibility for their own learning.


Teaching and Learning

Our children work as a class for differing periods of time, and also, at other times, in groups or independently. Groups will generally be formed on the basis of ability, but at times will take account of particular interests or friendships.

Each teaching situation is different and teachers work with the class and groups for a variety of reasons e.g. teaching a new skill or technique; developing new knowledge; encouraging co-operation; demonstrating forms of recording; supporting reviews of activities and evaluating and assessing learning.

Learning and teaching are well supported by a team of teaching assistants.

Within any class there will be children with a range of abilities. Teachers provide different tasks to meet different needs including those of more able children. Help and support is always given by class teachers to children experiencing learning difficulties and individual programmes are devised for those who are exceptionally able. Wherever possible, additional help is given by teaching assistants.

Within school we use a variety of learning and teaching styles. We work hard to ensure that teaching styles and resources match the needs of all groups.

Curriculum Progression

In our Nursery and Reception classes, activities relate to statutory early learning goals covering language and literacy, mathematical, scientific and technological, creative, physical, human and social, moral and spiritual. We place a high value on the development of literacy and numeracy skills.

Our Reception Class curriculum gradually makes provision for the initial stages of all statutory areas of the National Curriculum. Children experience both teacher directed and independently selected activities. We aim to ensure that children enjoy their first formal learning experiences, and that they feel safe and happy in school.

The curriculum we subsequently provide reflects the requirements of the National Curriculum, the Local Authority and the Governing Body. Each year group follows planned programmes of study linked to National Curriculum requirements.

In each class, the children are actively involved in a variety of tasks and experiences relating to Mathematics, English, Science, Technology, Computing, Art, History, Geography, PE, PSHE, Music and RE. These are structured to promote a range of learning skills including investigation, problem solving and both independent and collaborative work.

Many aspects of English and Mathematics are taught in whole class and group sessions, and reinforced through topics based on the other curriculum areas. We are committed to ensuring that our children develop increasing competence in Reading, Writing and Mathematical skills throughout Key Stages 1 and 2.

Educational Visits

Much of our work is enhanced by visits to the immediate area around school. For example visits take place to local shops and houses, Peel Park, the Industrial Museum and Eccleshill Library, all of which are within walking distance of our school.

In addition to these regular visits into the immediate locality, we place great value on visits of a more specific nature taking place during the year. These may be half or full day visits to places of interest. It is always our intention that these will be an integral part of the ongoing learning within the school. Parental permission is sought for these visits, and a minimum of two weeks’ notice given. Recent visits have included Bolton Abbey, The Thackray Museum, Murton Park and Scarborough.

The School regularly welcomes visiting speakers and artists in residence to work in school to enhance pupils’ learning.

Residential Visits

Y5 pupils are offered an opportunity to participate in a 3 day (2 night) residential at Nell Bank, Ilkley.  Y6 pupils have the opportunity of a 3 day (2 night) visit to Buckden House.  Both of these residentials cover the outdoor and adventurous elements of the curriculum and particularly focus on team building activities.


Our goal at Wellington Primary School is for pupils to leave with a secure understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible. We aim for all of our children to be respectful, skillful, ambitious and with a thirst for life and all it has to offer. Our curriculum ensures that children at Wellington Primary School are ready for the next stage of their education and life.

At Wellington Primary School we effectively use a combination of ‘Assessment for Learning’ and ‘Assessment of Learning’ to raise achievement.

Assessment for Learning

Research has shown that Assessment for Learning can improve both pupils’ motivation and capacity to learn.

Assessment for learning involves using assessment in the classroom to raise pupils’ achievement. It is based on the idea that pupils will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim and how they can achieve the aim (or close the gap in their knowledge).

Assessment is closely linked to teachers’ curriculum planning, since it is only by continually assessing what children have learnt and understood, that we can know what “next steps” should be planned.

Effective assessment for learning happens all the time in the classroom.

It involves:

  • sharing learning goals with pupils
  • helping pupils know and recognise the standards to aim for
  • providing feedback that helps pupils to identify how to improve
  • believing that every pupil can improve in comparison with previous achievements
  • both the teacher and pupils reviewing and reflecting on pupils’ performance and progress
  • pupils learning self-assessment techniques to discover areas they need to improve
  • recognising that both motivation and self-esteem, crucial for effective learning and progress, can be increased by effective assessment techniques.

Assessment of Learning

At Wellington Primary School assessment of learning is summative and carried out periodically e.g. at the end of a unit of work or term or year. We undertake this kind of assessment to judge how well a pupil is performing and to enable us to report conclusions.

It is also recognised that assessment of learning can make a positive contribution to assessment for learning. For example, pupils can be given the opportunity to:

  • mark, moderate and review test papers.
  • review their performance and set personal targets

Reporting to Parents

Reports will be descriptive. They will identify what children know, understand and can do. They will also identify areas for development. They will explain where children are in relation to age-related expectations.

Ensuring Consistency

To ensure a consistency of judgement, teachers will regularly moderate work within school. It is intended that moderation will also take place between local schools. Teachers will have opportunities to get together with each other and check that judgements are similar.