Wellington Primary School

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School Performance

We are proud of our children’s achievements in all areas of the curriculum and in all aspects of school life. We constantly strive for improvement and set ourselves targets to further enhance our achievements on an annual basis.

Below you will find information about our Key Stage 2 results.  Please note there is no published attainment and progress data for Key Stage 2 for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid restrictions. Please also note that there is no national progress data for 2024 due to Covid restrictions for that particular cohort. For further information you may find the following sites useful: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/ 

Attainment for KS2 (2024)

Percentage of pupils working at ARE Percentage of pupils working above ARE Average scaled score
Reading 71% 24% 104.6
Writing 69% 3%
Maths 69% 5% 102.3
GPS 68% 20% 104.2
R, W, M combined 56% 2%

Attainment and Progress for KS2 (2023)

Percentage of pupils working at ARE Percentage of pupils working above ARE Average Scaled Score Average Progress Score
Reading 75% 27% 104.9 -0.02
Writing 60% 2% -3.75
Maths  82% 20% 103.7 -0.11
GPS 78% 32% 105.6
R,W,M Combined 53% 2%

Attainment and Progress for KS2 (2022)

Percentage of pupils working at ARE Percentage of pupils working above ARE Average Scaled Score Average Progress Score
Reading 73.7% 15.8% 102.8 -0.41
Writing 75.4% 1.8% +1.05
Maths  70.2% 19.3% 102.3 +0.15
 EGPS 71.9% 21.1% 103.4
R,W,M Combined 57.9% 1.8%

Attainment and Progress for KS2 (2019)

Percentage of pupils working at ARE Percentage of pupils working above ARE Average Scaled Score Average Progress Score
Reading 67% 15% 102.1 -1.02
Writing 79% 20% 0.72
Maths  72% 16% 102.7 -1.03
 EGPS 79% 23% 104.2
R,W,M Combined 56% 5%

Attainment and Progress for KS2 (2018)

Percentage of pupils working at ARE Percentage of pupils working above ARE Average Scaled Score
Average Progress Score
Reading 77% 27% 105 0.3
Writing 83% 30% 1.7
Maths  65% 8% 102 -1.3
 EGPS 82% 27% 105
R,W,M Combined 58% 7%

Attainment and Progress for KS2 (2017)

Percentage of pupils working at ARE Percentage of pupils working above ARE Average Scaled Score Average Progress Score
Reading 78% 25% 105 3.98
Writing 68% 15% 1.4
Maths  80% 10% 103 2.4
 EGPS 83% 23% 105
R,W,M Combined 52% 7%

Attainment and Progress for KS2 (2016)

Percentage of pupils working at ARE Percentage of pupils working above ARE Average Scaled Score
Average Progress Score 
Reading 52% 10% 100 -0.2
Writing 72% 30% 0.4
Maths  65% 5% 101 0.2
EGPS  63% 17% 102
R,W,M Combined 47% 3%